
Choose from over 14 different Chart types to visualize your data includes 14 different chart types ranging from Pie and Donut, to Line, Area, Column, Bar, and Combo with multi-series support.

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Pie and Donut Charts

Circular graphs divided into “slices”, where each slice is sized proportionally to its data's share of the data as a whole.

Line and Smooth Line Charts

Two-axis graphs displaying a series of data points with straight line segments connecting them.

Column and Stacked Column Charts

Two-axis charts that show rectangular columns with heights proportional to the data they represent.

Area and Stacked Area Charts

Two-axis graphs displaying a series of data points with straight line segments connecting them and the area underneath shaded.

Bar and Stacked Bar Charts

Two-axis charts that show rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the data they represent.

Combo Charts

Two-axis charts that display one or more column graphs with one or more line graphs overlaid.

Customize your charts to match your vision

Add axis titles and legends, and customize formatting, styling, positioning and series colors in your charts to give them the unique style and layout you envision.

Visualize your data with Charts
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