
Collect data from anyone with a dynamic form

Capture data from anyone with shareable, embeddable forms, and turn it into tasks, records, and data for further analysis.

Get started — it's free
No credit card required • Free plan never expires

Create a form in seconds using drag and drop

Add columns as fields and easily configure field properties like required, default value, and more. Submissions become rows in your worksheet.

Add your own branding

Use a custom logo and background color to match your company's brand.

Share with anyone, embed anywhere

Share your form publicly or privately. Embed it in any other app or website.

Capture responses from any device

Forms are responsive and work the same on desktop, mobile and tablet devices.

Create Automations that run when Forms are submitted

Use a visual no-code workflow editor to create custom automations or integrations that run whenever a form is submitted.

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Collect data from anyone with Form Views
Get started — it's free