Gantt Chart Software

Create Gantt charts with ease in an online spreadsheet

Track and manage your team's project plans with our Gantt charts. These are interactive timelines with many powerful project management software features.

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Trusted by thousands of organizations worldwide

Create dependencies and reschedule tasks in bulk

Easily adjust your Gantt chart. Change dates and deadlines, create dependencies, and reschedule tasks in bulk. All dependent tasks automatically adjust when a task with dependencies changes. Changes are immediately shared with other users in real time.

Create milestones to mark key achievements

Tasks with 0 day durations become milestones and appear as diamonds in your Gantt chart. Insight into your project's progress becomes clearer when you visualize its milestones. Milestones serve as markers for significant achievements within your project, including the culmination of project phases, pivotal decision junctures, or critical events.

Customize, zoom, and scroll

Zoom in to the hour and out to the year, scroll the chart in sync with your worksheet data, and customize chart visuals such as taskbar colors and labels. Customizing the Gantt chart's appearance enhances its visual clarity, making it easier to interpret complex project data at a glance. Tailoring colors, task display names, and zoom level provides a personalized experience, improving user engagement and facilitating better decision-making.

Quickly visualize the Critical Path

Highlight tasks that define the project's critical path to visualize the impact on your completion date. The Gantt chart critical path provides a clear roadmap of the project's essential tasks and their interdependencies, enabling efficient resource allocation and scheduling adjustments. Identifying the critical path aids in pinpointing the shortest route to project completion, minimizing delays and optimizing project timelines.

Expand taskbars

Double click on taskbars to to expand them into a full screen view. Viewing a task's details within a Gantt chart offers a comprehensive understanding of its start and end dates, dependencies, and assigned resources, aiding in precise project coordination. This visibility ensures informed decision-making, effective resource allocation, and seamless tracking of task progress.

Powerful project management with interactive Gantt charts
Use Gantt charts for comprehensive project planning: drag-and-drop tasks, visualize in a timeline, create dependencies, and much more.
Visual timelines for easy planning
Visualize progress and manage task relationships using our drag-and-drop interface. Our easy to use Gantt chart enables critical path analysis, quickly highlighting bottlenecks.
Manage any number of projects
Use the power of Gantt charts to manage any number of project plans within a single platform, leveraging critical path analysis, version history, dependencies, and constraints.
Share and collaborate
Simplify task sharing among colleagues using Gantt chart software through shareable links. Real-time updates on assignee changes, dates, and project duration keep your team informed.

Sort, filter, and group

Powerful filtering, sorting, and grouping gives everyone a unique view of the same data based on their needs. Sorting, filtering, and grouping tasks in a Gantt chart enhance project management efficiency by allowing quick access to specific task sets based on criteria like deadlines, owners, or statuses. This streamlines coordination, improves focus, and simplifies decision-making, ultimately leading to better project organization and execution.

Create parent-child structures with row hierarchies

Indent rows to create sub-tasks and parent-child relationships for formal project management and work breakdown structures. Hierarchies in a Gantt chart offer a structured view of tasks, subtasks, and their relationships, enhancing project organization and clarity. This enables better task management, delegation, and understanding of the project's scope, fostering smoother collaboration and efficient project management.

Assign task dependency types and lag times

Full support for task lag times and all four industry-standard Gantt chart project management dependency types:

Finish-to-Start (FS)
Start-to-Start (SS)
Start-to-Finish (SF)
Finish-to-Finish (FF)

Set task constraint dates and types

Support for task constraint dates and all eight industry-standard Gantt chart project management constraint types:

As Soon As Possible (ASAP)
As Late As Possible (ALAP)
Finish No Earlier Than (FNET)
Start No Earlier Than (SNET)
Finish No Later Than (FNLT)
Start No Later Than (SNLT)
Must Finish On (MFO)
Must Start On (MSO)

Use hierarchy formulas for custom computations

Use custom formula functions to do math on parent, child, ancestor, and descendant cells within hierarchies. Custom formulas in spreadsheet-based Gantt charts empower users to automate complex calculations and dynamic updates, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in project tracking.

Create Automations

Use a visual no-code workflow editor to create custom automations and integrations that run whenever a task's status changes in your Gantt chart, or when a deadline is coming up.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a Gantt chart?
A Gantt chart is a visual representation used in project management to illustrate the schedule of tasks and activities over time. It displays tasks as horizontal bars along a timeline, with their lengths indicating their durations and their placement indicating their start and end dates.
What is the best Gantt chart software in 2023?
Gantt chart software allows users to create, update, and manage project schedules efficiently. Project managers use Gantt charts to plan, track, and communicate project progress, showing task dependencies, milestones, and critical paths, which helps in coordinating team efforts, identifying potential bottlenecks, and making informed decisions to ensure timely project completion.

The best Gantt chart software can vary based on individual needs, preferences, and the specific requirements of a project. A few popular and well-regarded options are: A popular, full-featured online spreadsheet with the power of a complete project management system, including advanced Gantt chart features.

Microsoft Project: A widely used project management software that offers Gantt chart features along with comprehensive project management capabilities.

Smartsheet: This platform combines some spreadsheet functionality with project management tools, including Gantt chart creation and collaboration features.

Trello: While Trello is known more for its visual task management, it offers power-ups or integrations that can enable Gantt chart functionality within its framework.

Asana: Asana provides project management tools and integrations that allow users to create Gantt charts to visualize tasks and timelines. This platform offers a visual interface that allows teams to create Gantt charts, manage tasks, and collaborate on projects.

Wrike: Wrike is a versatile project management software that includes Gantt chart features along with task tracking and collaboration tools.

TeamGantt: This software is specifically designed for creating Gantt charts and project timelines, making it a straightforward choice for those focusing primarily on Gantt visualization.

ClickUp: ClickUp offers Gantt chart functionality along with a wide range of project management features, making it suitable for both simple and complex projects.

Instagantt: While not a standalone software, Instagantt integrates with popular project management tools like Asana and Trello to provide enhanced Gantt chart capabilities.

When choosing Gantt chart software, consider factors like ease of use, integration with other tools you use, collaboration features, scalability for your project size, and budget constraints. It's a good idea to explore trial versions or free plans to test out the software's suitability for your specific project management needs. Keep in mind that software options and their capabilities may have changed since my last update, so it's advisable to research and read reviews to find the current best fit for your requirements.
Can I create dependencies between tasks in Gantt charts?
Yes, you can create dependencies between tasks easily using drag-and-drop in a Gantt chart. All dependent tasks automatically adjust when a task with dependencies changes. Changes are immediately shared with other users in real time.
Do Gantt charts in automatically adjust?
Yes, Gantt charts automatically adjust themselves whenever tasks change, such as start date, end date or duration.
Can I create subtasks in Gantt charts?
Yes, you can simply indent task rows to make them a subtask of the task above it. The task above the indented task rows will then become a parent row, which can be expanded and collapsed.
Are Gantt charts easy to share?
Yes, you can easily share Gantt chart views with colleagues internally and externally. With you can choose who has the abillity to make changes to Gantt charts and who has read only access.