All About Spreadsheet AI

Spreadsheet AI uses natural language processing and powerful AI models to generate different types of content, from entire new workbooks to spreadsheet formulas. Enter a description of what you want, and will generate it for you in seconds – it’s that simple.

In this guide, we’ll explore the different ways that you can use Spreadsheet AI across, including generating new workbooks, creating content for individual cells, writing formulas, and more.

Generate New Workbooks with AI

Everything in begins with a workbook, and now those workbooks can be generated with AI. AI-generated workbooks are formatted and filled with sample data based off of any request you can express in words. For example, you could ask to generate…

  • A CRM opportunity tracker like Salesforce
  • An internal support ticket system with a Form View
  • A task list for a kitchen renovation project
  • An applicant tracking system like Greenhouse

…and will generate a ready-to-use workbook that matches the description in seconds. AI-generated workbooks are automatically formatted with a Table Header Row and Data Types, and include sample data to help you understand how the workbook can be used.

Write a description of the workbook you need, and will automatically create it and format it

If the workbook isn’t exactly what you need, just tweak your request and ask to regenerate it. Once you have the right workbook, keep it and work with it just as you would any workbook.

You can also use Spreadsheet AI to generate new worksheets in any of your existing workbooks.

Use Spreadsheet AI to create new AI-generated worksheets in your existing workbooks

Generate Cell Content with AI

In addition to generating entire worksheets, you can also use Spreadsheet AI to generate content for individual cells. Requests can include references to other columns or cells in your worksheet. For any cell in a Sheet View or Gantt View, you can ask to write something like…

  • Write a job description for a [Column A – Job Title]
  • Summarize [Column B – Notes] in a few bullet points
  • List the country that [Column C – City] is located in
  • Name the President of the United States in [Column D – Year]

…and will generate a response in the cell.

Describe the content you need entered in a cell, and will write it on your behalf

Once generates the content, you can adjust the response using the buttons at the bottom of the dialog.

Use the buttons at the bottom of the "Generate with AI" dialog to fine-tune your cell content

Ask to generate a longer or shorter response, or to change the tone of the response to be “Delightful”, “Academic”, “Funny”, or more. Click regenerate to see the revised response, or select keep to retain the response in the cell.

Generate Spreadsheet Formulas with AI

Spreadsheet AI can also help you perform calculations in your workbooks by writing formulas on your behalf. Like generating workbooks and cell content, just describe the calculation you want to perform, and will generate a formula in response. Try writing a description like…

  • The average of [Column A – Expenses]
  • The third highest value in [B1:B7]
  • The standard deviation of [Column C – Test Scores]
  • The sum of [Column D – Sales] divided by the product of [E1] and [E2]

…and will generate a formula in the cell.

Access the ‘Generate formula with AI’ dialog by typing an equal sign and slash =/ in a cell. As you’re typing your request, reference cells and ranges by clicking them in the sheet, and access columns by typing their names in brackets [ ], or by clicking the + icon in the bottom right corner of the dialog.

Describe the calculation you need, and will automatically write the appropriate formula

When returns a formula, it will display it at the bottom of the dialog. Adjust your request and click regenerate if necessary, or select keep to retain the formula in the cell.

View and keep the generated formula, regenerate it, or set it as a Column Formula

Spreadsheet AI can also help explain errors you may encounter when using your own formulas. If you encounter an error like #REF or #NUM and need more information to help debug it, click ‘Explain more with AI’ in the error dialog, and will generate a more detailed explanation.

Use Spreadsheet AI to provide additional context for formula errors and to help debug your workbooks

Use OpenAI Integration to Create Fine-Tuned Queries

Along with’s suite of built-in AI features, the OPENAI_COMPLETE function lets you create complex queries to fill your workbooks with AI-generated content.

Like the “Generate with AI” features, using an OPENAI_COMPLETE function – in conjunction with the CONCATENATE function – lets you query OpenAI while referencing other cells and ranges in your workbook. Using the OPENAI_COMPLETE function requires you to connect your and OpenAI accounts, and queries made with the function will use your personal OpenAI tokens.

Fine tune your queries by specifying additional parameters, like the maximum number of tokens to use, the exact OpenAI model used to generate your content, and the sampling temperature.

Try writing a formula like…

  • OPENAI_COMPLETE(“Return a comma-separated list of 5 tech companies”)
  • OPENAI_COMPLETE(“Give a random number between 1 and 5000”)
  • OPENAI_COMPLETE(CONCATENATE(“Provide a job description for a senior-level“, 1A, “position.”))
  • OPENAI_COMPLETE(CONCATENATE(“Return a standardized version of this address: “, B2))

Take a look at our guides “10 Ways to Use OpenAI Completions in” and “5 Tips & Tricks for Using OpenAI in” for more tips and inspiration for using the OPENAI_COMPLETE function.

Get Started with

Get started with today to explore Spreadsheet AI and see its generative AI capabilities in action. Start with an AI-generated workbook or one of our pre-built templates, or visit our Help Center to learn more about using Spreadsheet AI before diving in.

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