We’re thrilled to launch drag and drop row movement, a long standing popular feature request allowing you to manually reorder rows in worksheets.
Let’s take a look!
Drag and drop row movement
Row movement works by selecting one or more rows and dragging the row header region:
Drag and drop row movement in Spreadsheet.com
All formulas and formula dependencies automatically adjust to the new row positions as shown above.
Drag and drop row movement in hierarchies
Row movement works in hierarchies and Gantt views as well.
When a parent row is moved, all child rows move with it:
Parent row drag and drop row movement in Spreadsheet.com
When a child row is moved, it inherits the indentation of its upper sibling wherever it is dropped:
Child row drag and drop row movement in Spreadsheet.com
NOTE: Row movement in grouped views is not yet available but coming soon.
What's next?
A few features we're busy working on now:
Spreadsheet AI We’re working on the next level of generative AI capabilities in Spreadsheet.com, along with AI assistant features. Stay tuned for one of our most exciting launches yet.
Notifications An in-app notifications list updated in real time showing each user all of the row assignments, @mentions, alerts, and reminders meant for them. In addition we will provide more fine-grained notification configuration options in Personal Settings, and provide users more control over which workbooks and individual rows they are following.
Resource Management A view of user availability based on task assignments throughout a workspace.
Timeline View A timeline view of tasks providing a simple work planning interface.
Drag & Drop Cell and Range Movement Similar to traditional spreadsheets, we’re adding the ability to drag and drop individual cells and ranges to move them in the grid.
Stay tuned for these and more updates coming soon ...