Nov 15, 2021

Product updates: Conditional formatting and new templates

Matt Robinson
co-founder & CEO
New feature: Conditional formatting

We’re excited to announce the launch of row and column-level conditional formatting in, allowing you to create rules that automatically apply styles based on data in your worksheets.

For example, in the Inventory Management workbook below we create a rule to highlight Product rows when the quantity of Stock Units falls below 10. We also create a rule to color code Unit Price cells using a gradient based on the range of values in this column.

Inventory Management Spreadsheet

Conditional formatting is a great way to automatically highlight and call attention to specific information in your workbooks without having to manually apply styling.

Each worksheet can have any number of rules, which can be reordered based on priority, and temporarily disabled as needed. Conditional formatting styles override, but do not replace, manually applied styles.

For more details, see the new Conditional Formatting article in our Help Center.

New templates

We’ve added nine new templates to the Template Gallery for use cases ranging from Construction and Education, to Training, Facilities, and Groups & Clubs.

For example, the new Construction Schedule for Basement Finish template from Vertex42 was created from a workbook that was recently used for an actual home remodeling project, including a curated list of materials from The Home Depot:

Construction Schedule for Basement Finish Spreadsheet

The new Facility Management template provides the foundation of a workflow automation tool for tracking assets, completing maintenance requests, and managing inventory. It also uses the new conditional formatting feature to gray out rows when a task is marked as Complete:

Facility Management Spreadsheet

School administrators and alumni relations managers can use our new Alumni Directory template for tracking alumni information and interactions, and collecting updated alumni details using a form view:

Alumni Directory Spreadsheet

Other newly published templates include: commercial launch

In a few weeks we'll be activating our paid plans and moving your workspace to a 30 day trial of our Premium plan. You can read more about our pricing plans here. Don't worry, if you choose not to subscribe to a paid plan beyond the 30 day trial period, your workspace will be automatically moved to our Free plan. You won't lose access to any of your data.

Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks and please contact us at if you have any questions about this transition.

More updates

As usual, whenever we release updates to the product we share more details of new features, enhancements, and fixes in the What’s New? section of the Community.  

What's next?

A few features we're busy working on now:

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon ...

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